Vas translates as “to dwell” or “to occupy.” Vasthu is Sanskrit for “house.” Vasthushastra is a system of rules that the Rishis or men in ancient India mastered in order to plan and build our dwellings, which eventually include our homes, towns, governments, countries, and even our planet and the universe.
Nature is made up of the five elements known as Panchabhutam, and they are Akasha or clouds , Agni or fire , Jalam or water, Vayu or air and Bhoomi or earth.

The ancient Indian scientific scriptures known as the shastras tell us that the influence of cosmic energy on living things is particular.
Nature contains five elements in specific proportions. Vasthushastra is concerned with the alignment of these five basic elements in accordance with natural law.
The effects of these five elements must be studied in order to appreciate vasthu science in its purest form and to appease sceptics who question the efficacy and validity of vasthu shastra.
Vasthushastra divided into two
- Vasthu for Land.
- Vasthu for Building
Vasthu for Land.
Before beginning any construction, we must investigate the land’s level, shape, and size. A land’s shape can be altered by adding or removing parts or corners. We can also provide boundaries to divide the compound in accordance with Vasthusasthra.
A plot of land can be square or rectangle with all corners at right angles. A plot with a slope to the north, east, or northeast is suitable for any purpose. plot with a road on its east and north sides and slopes to the east or north is considered ideal for construction or business.
Vasthu for Building
Consider your financial situation and requirements before beginning any construction project, and consult an experienced engineer who is well-versed in Vasthu preliminaries.
Remember to place your master bedroom in the southwest when designing your home, and sleep with your head to the south or east. Our heads have magnetic powers and must be placed opposite to the north, i.e. face south for a good night’s sleep.
It is recommended that you construct buildings "as per the principals of Vasthushashtra - THE LAW OF NATURE" if you are experiencing health, mental, or physical problems.
Editor : Jubin Raju Mathew